Sunday, August 20, 2017

It's All About Cryptocurrencies!



Welcome to my Blog which i've titled "Cryptology" - It's actually about Cryptocurrencies and some of the happenings in the Crypto World.
Little story...I developed a passion for Cryptocurrencies when i first heard about it in 2012. I started
following crpto-news since 2014 and i took it seriously in 2015, I made my first bitcoin purchase same year too and lost everything to scam programs as a novice. Hahaha...very funny. But in 2016, matrix programs like Zarfund, Five2BTC(i invested in them and i'm sure you probably did too) and others in their hundreds came out, i made some bitcoins and lost some too. Alot of those programs "died" because they were "over-hyped" and because of the matrix nature which involves getting a lot of sign-ups, people got tired and started losing interest and before you know it, the passion was no longer there because everyone want their ROI instantly, which was not possible without new sign-ups hence, everyone got stuck and it all became history...end of story.

Well, over the years, rather than giving up, i stopped joining programs no matter how good it may look or sound instead; I became an ardent-cryptocurrency-watcher, went into robust researches and i've garnered some SOUND experience!

If you are vast about or new to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and the likes; you are welcome here because this blog is packed with information/opportunities which abound in the crypto-world.
Billions of dollars are being made from crypto-businesses ranging from currency speculations, mining, staking, currency exchange, ICOs - Initial Coin Offerings (talking about ERC-20 tokens which are ethereum-based.) e.t.c and guess what? New Cryptonaires(coined from crypto-millionaires) are emerging from time to time, simply because they took advantage of a particular information at the right and it paid off! Information is always key in this industry. I like to congratulate you if you are crypto-enthusiast, cryptocurrency-watcher or cryptopreneur because my blog will be of immense assistance to your decision-making in crypto-business!

In the mean time, let me quickly furnish you with some interesting fact about these CryptoCurrencies:-

1. There are well over 850 buyable and sellable CryptoCurrencies (e.g Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Monero, Dogecoin, etc)

2. There are over 210 Assets (e.g Omisego, Qtum, Gnosis, Golem, Augur, etc)

3. There are over 5,150 Markets (e.g Bitfinex, Bittrex, Kraken, Poloniex, Liqui, Cryptopia, etc)

4. As at the time of writing this piece, The Total Market Capitalization stood at a staggerring $144,936,181,782!

Please Note: This blog was created NOT as an investment blog but rather to give tips, quality advice and first class top-notched information that will/may benefit anyone who come across it irrespective of their location and i'll keep improving it periodically. In other words, information posted here are not to be treated as an investment advice but do your own research too before investing and like in every other volatile business, invest what you can afford to lose!

Till my next post, browse through the blog and have fun.
Meanwhile, I’ll love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading.

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